Budi Sulistyo
Budi Sulistyo participated at the 10th Asia Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition in Taiwan and also at the 30 year Celebration of the Indonesian Bonsai Society (PPBI) in 2009. He was invited speaker on Alternative Brach Design, Bonsai Club of Puerto Rico in 2010 & 2011. He won the Grand Champion in Puerto Rico National Bonsai Show 2013. He was a Guest Speaker and Demonstrator in 11th Latin American Bonsai Congress in 2014 and in the 35th Year Anniversary of the Indonesian Bonsai Society (PPBI), Indonesia; He was a guest speaker and Demonstrator in the 3rd Puerto Rico National Show. He honored at the 3rd Puerto Rico National Show for his accomplishments in the dissemination of bonsai. He was a Guest Speaker and Demonstrator in 1st Jardin Selected Bonsai Symposium.