Committee of 2017 BCI and the 14th Asia-Pacific Bonsai & Suiseki Convention and Exhibition

The Bonsai Clubs International Convention 2017
Committee of 2017 BCI
Chairman: Tsang-Shing Chen (陳蒼興)
Executive Director General: Ming-Dou Yan (顏明道)
Location:(Xizhou Park、The National Museum of Natural Science、Wan-Jing Art Garden)
1. Xizhou Park: the main place of bonsai exhibition and demonstration including Hua Feng, Style Creation, National Bonsai Exhibition, and Taiwan Suiseki Exhibition.
2. National Museum of Natural Science: Bonsai Demonstration & Exhibition of Pine & Cypress Bonsai as well as Flowers & Fruits Bonsai.
3. Wan-Jing Art Garden: Bonsai Exhibition of Valuable Collections, etc.